Už pátý ročník Devil‘s Extreme Race, otevřeného mistrovství Evropy v extrémním kayakingu, se o víkendu konal pod Lipenskou přehradou, na části Vltavy nazvané Čertovy proudy. Závodů se zúčastnila téměř stovka závodníků, ve své historii přivítal závod nejvíce cizinců. Závodů se zúčastnil například loňský mistr světa Sam Sutton (Nový Zéland), Daniel Klotzner (Itálie) nebo Mike Dawson (Nový Zéland).
Devil’s Extreme Race startoval v Loučovicích z velké rampy, vyhlášeno bylo několik různých závodů. Většina se jich jela na Loučovické kaskádě, finále a závod týmů přes ty nejobtížnější peřeje Čertových proudů.
Mezi ženami kralovala Němka Anna Hübner, pro stříbro si dojela Novozélanďanka Luise Jull a třetí skončila zástupkyně ČR, Kateřina Migdauová. V neděli se pokračovalo závodem tříčlenných týmů a kayak-crossu, do něhož se závodníci kvalifikovali výsledkem ze sobotního sprintu. Při kayak-crossu jsou soutěžící rozlosování do čtveřic, startují najednou a dva nejrychlejší postupují do dalšího kola.
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Nafukovací čluny pro začátečníky i na divokou vodu zakoupíte na Nafukovacilode.cz.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
Ugg Boots are a fashionable kind of boot made out of sheepskin worn by both men and women. They are very comfy and warm, and many celebrities have been seen wearing them. If you have just bought some Ugg or just don’t know how to wear them or when to wear them, this is the guide for you! Uggbootssale cheap at faxshoes.
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